• Georgeanne Fulstone-Pucillo

    Georgeanne Fulstone-Pucillo has lived in Eureka for almost 50 years. She and her husband have four children and nine grandchildren. A former teacher and Principal with Eureka City Schools, Fulstone-Pucillo has been active for many years in various school, youth sports, service and charitable groups including more than 40 years with SVdP. She is committed to equity and access for all people and is President of SVdP at Sacred Heart Parish where she has been involved with person-to-person outreach and ongoing services to students, families and Seniors. Fulstone-Pucillo is especially grateful to be part of a caring community and believes in the difference we make for each other.

  • Russ Shaddix

    Russ Shaddix became a Vincentian in 1981. Having had years of working in Eureka City Schools as a School Psychologist and finally as the Director of Special Services I had numerous contacts with families in need. The mission of St. Vincent de Paul to reach out to those in need fit my interest and professional background. Meeting with individuals and hearing their stories without being judgemental and determining what resource I could provide or direct them to has been personally rewarding.

  • Stephanie Holmes

    Stephanie Holmes, SVDP Board President. Stephanie has served on the board of directors for the past 15 years. She began volunteering her time to help others and quickly got recruited by a past president. She continues to enjoy serving others.

  • Bob Santilli

    Spent most of my life in Detroit MI, then Denver CO, before moving to Eureka in 2017. I love the natural beauty and small town friendliness! One Sunday, Father Mike Cloney spoke about helping those less fortunate by volunteering at the St Vincent de Paul Dining Facility. I felt an immediate calling and it’s been a great blessing to be a very small part of a big-hearted community!

  • Mark Campbell

    Mark Campbell 1967-2024

    I moved to Arcata, CA from Huntington Beach, CA in 1985 to go to Humboldt State University. After graduation as an art major, I embarked on a career as a chef in restaurants for nearly 28-years. For roughly 14 of those years, I was cooking for the St Vincent de Paul's free Dining Facility, while running kitchens in various fine dining restaurants locally.

    Now, I am a full-time potter and stay-at-home dad. I own Mark Campbell Ceramics in Arcata, CA. I am also privileged to cook for the free Dining Facility every Thursday and / or whenever needed. To me, doing this is God's work and all glory goes to Him!

  • Juan Velazquez

    Juan Velazquez

    I moved to Eureka, CA from Tuolumne, CA in 2012. I have been on both sides of the Free Meal table; having been homeless, where I made a promise to myself that one day, I was going to volunteer at the Dining Facility. With God’s help, I got off of the streets and started business, JV Floors. Sometime afterwards, I began serving as a SVDP volunteer in 2022.  I love helping the community that first helped me!

  • Hannah Jones Ozanian

    I grew up in Eureka and first volunteered at SVdP while in high school in 2005. The experience opened my eyes to the realities people in need face in our community, and how we each have unique capabilities to help. I have served as the Director of Friendship Park at Sacramento Loaves and Fishes, and currently work for the City of Eureka's Uplift Program and on other projects involving housing and homelessness locally. I love the people of SVdP and thank the organization for providing a place to practice purpose.