Since 1981, St. Vincent’s Dining Facility in downtown Eureka CA has served a daily hot, nutritious luncheon to the Homeless / Low-Income community of northern Humboldt County. Over the decades, several thousand individuals have received outreach services at our property site. Many individuals suffer from behavioral health challenges, dysfunctional upbringing, substance abuse problems, financial setbacks, housing displacement, and/or a criminal lifestyle. Every individual is at a different stage of their downfall or recovery path in life. St. Vincent de Paul tries to accommodate each individual’s current needs but also relies on their partner agencies to assist where more specific outreach is necessary. All who enter our Dining Facility are welcome, unless someone is physically threatening to others. Though few stories of recovery are rare amongst those we serve, there is a hope among our Staff, Volunteers, and Partners that our guests may find contentment, comfort, and a better station in life!